

At your weight loss consultation we will get your Medical History, perform a Body Mass Analysis, and then just sit down and talk.  We discuss your medical history, lifestyle, challenges and weaknesses, weight loss goals and the comprehensive breakdown of your body provided by the Body Mass Anaylsis.  We encourage you to ask any questions or address any concerns you may have regarding your weight loss goals and all previous weight loss attempts.  Based on the outcome of everything above, we will then make a weight loss program recommendation for your consideration.  

Treatment programs are identified for patients individually as we recognize that the physical composition of each individual is very different.   Examples are: Men or women with recent weight gain as a result of an injury or surgery that requiring inactivity and/or steroids; pregnancy; menopause; emotional life situations; and that individual that has carried excessive weight for the majority of their life.  

HCG (pharmaceutical grade, available by a licensed physician only) can be added to any of our programs.  However, HCGis designed for those men and women who have been overweight for a longer period of time, where fat pockets have solidified and are more difficult to lose.  HCG attacks those "problem areas" that just don't seem to go away no matter how hard they've dieted in the past.  The ideal "HCG Diet" candidate is willing (and able) to follow a written diet plan with the understanding that "little cheats" matter.  This is an aggressive program and requires true commitment and most importantly-discipline.  Alcohol & fats are not allowed while incorporating HCG into your diet plan.

We offer customized programs to match any weight loss need and want, regardless of your current weight and situation.  So, if this describes your passion and sincerity to once and for all lose those unwanted pounds, then give us a call TODAY to schedule an appointment; Remember, our consultations are always provided at NO CHARGE! (904) 928-9777

Comprehensive Programs Include:                   

Written Nutritional Plans
Weekly Lipo/B12 Shots
Prescription Aid if desired (and medically sound)
Weekly Center Visits
Behavioral Guidance
EKG where needed
Gain muscle and lose fat
Strengthen your immune system
Improvement of Mental Alertness
Setting and Achieving Your Goals
Maintenance Plans
Truly compassionate and supportive staff

Disclaimer:  Results vary from patient to patient depending on their ability to follow their plan and their individual medical history.